10 Things I Bought In My First Trimester

So, if you’re anything like me when you first saw the positive pregnancy test you went straight to google and searched what things I need to buy now that I’m pregnant. I found some really great recommendations, got some great suggestions from friends, and also found some things on my own. I compiled a list of the 10 things I bought in my first trimester that I highly stand behind.

First thing I bought and pretty much the first thing anyone should buy if they haven’t already (a lot of women who are actively TTC take prenatals the second they start trying). I went for these Nature Made prenatals for a couple of reasons; they are affordable. Yes, there are a ton of different brands you can use, but I love that these are extremely accessible. Not only is the price point great (for the quality) but you can find this brand EVERYWHERE. It’s stocked on every pharmacy shelf, Target, Walgreens. Everywhere. And you are going to go through a couple of bottles so you want to be able to grab them easily.

(I just started my second bottle at week 22).

Next thing I grabbed: mouthwash. Now, I’m always a mouthwash user. It’s just been my thing. BUT did you know pregnant women are more prone to gum disease and cavities? I made a switch from my regular mouthwash to make sure I grabbed one with FLUORIDE. You deal with a lot being pregnant and the last thing I wanted was to deal with a mouth full of cavities. That’s never a good time, Also, if you’re not already a flosser. It’s time to start!

The discomfort of the first trimester settled in pretty quickly. Everyone experiences a different pregnancy, but my first few months included; body aches, extreme exhaustion, and naaaaausea. When all this hit me hard AND fast I decided to splurge and treat myself to something that I knew would make me feel fancy AND comfortable. I’ve been a fan of Lunya for a while- I’m sure they’ve popped up on your IG feed in the past, but they are totally worth the hype. They sell premium pajamas and they recently extended to an 18 (not in everything, but a select few). I saw these and fell in love instantly and they have proved to be my favorite splurge purchase in quite some time. And they are totally growing with my pregnant belly- plenty of space!

I purchased the size XL3

Speaking of comfort: bring in the Pregnancy Pillow! I bought my pillow pretty early on. I think most women don’t need one until their belly starts to get bigger and heavier. Honestly, some women don’t need them at all. So, why did I buy mine so early? Well, I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m a Captain Morgan sleeper. *Picture this position, but on my belly*. I’ve slept like this for as long as I can remember and my chiropractor has begged me to change, but it’s hard! Well, when you have a beach ball permanently attached to your belly- this position is no good. So, I bought this early on to hopefully train me to sleep on my side. And guys…. it’s worked! I sleep on my side now almost every night and even without the pillow! My good friend suggested this one and I fully stand behind it.

Let’s stay along the lines of discomfort, because I want you to be prepared. :) My nausea was pretty intense. Again, not everyone experiences the same symptoms, but morning sickness is a pretty common one. And boy did I feel it. And not just the morning either- ALL DAY. I luckily wasn’t much of a puker, but the feeling is pretty intense. There are plenty of things advertised on the internet to help women ease the discomfort, but not much honestly helped. These Preggie Pop Drops were great though! They took the nausea away while I was sucking on them (and they are also delicious). Not many come in a pack, but they are a fun little treat that definitely curbs it a little bit.

Now, let’s chat beauty shall we? Another symptom I was so blessed to receive was acne. My skin was hit hard by the hormone train. I have worked with a dermatologist over the years and decided to chat with her about my skin. Her suggestion on getting rid of the acne, “give birth”. Ha! Pregnancy acne is so deeply hormone-related and for me- there wasn’t much I could do. *EVERYONE’S SKIN IS DIFFERENT. When you first get pregnant you need to look through your beauty cabinet because a lot of products you are using aren’t safe for pregnancy. BUT my holy grail product (something I’ve preached about on my page plenty) is PREGNANCY SAFE! Woohoo. It also seems to really help my breakouts. Now, it doesn’t clear it completely- I seem to always have at least a couple pimples at all given times. But this mask really helps bring down the redness and brings down the size of the pimples.

So, while we’re on the topic of switching out your beauty products when your pregnant: deodorant! I made the switch to natural deodorant a few years ago, but I have still been trying to find the right one for me. My long time fav, Rosy Pits, actually started giving me a rash so I figured I’m allergic to something in it. I made the switch to Kosas as soon as they released their new clean deodorant and so far I’m a huge fan! I have it in both scented and unscented. The scent is mild and I really like the applicator. So far- so good!

Dry brushing was recommended to me a long time ago, but I never decided to really give it a try until I got pregnant. Why? For a few reasons. My pregnancy happens to fall during a pandemic quarantine and I have a lot of down time. That means I’ve heavily invested time into my self care routine. It doesn’t take long to dry brush, but consistency is key and when I’m working everyday- I need to rush out quick in the mornings. Also, pregnancy does a number on your skin. I have more acne on my body then I ever have and this has really helped exfoliate- better than any scrub I’ve used.

If you’re not sure how to dry brush: watch this video.

Speaking of pregnancy skin- a big thing your body goes through is stretching. Now, being plus size: I’m no stranger to stretch marks, and to be totally honest they really don’t scare me all that much BUT the idea of my skin being dry and uncomfortable from the stretching scares me. I haven’t experienced this yet, but I’ve been told the itchiness is unbearable! I started lathering up with this bio-oil on my belly, boobs, hips, and thighs. I’ve loved the way my skin has felt and my skin is feeling more hydrated than when I just use my trusty body lotion.

Alright, we made it to the last one! Thanks for sticking with me. When I first got pregnant I googled “everything you can’t use when pregnant”. One thing I saw was aerosol cans. TBH every woman feels differently about what they’re comfortable using. We’ve been having babies for literally hundreds of thousands of years- so like… do what feels right for you. For me, I decided to go for nonaerosol dry shampoo. And honestly, I won’t go back! I’ve loved Klorane for a while because of their smell, but I would go through their cans in like a week! And that was when I wasn’t pregnant. Another pregnancy symptom? My hair gets greasy SO FAST. It’s adjusted by now, but my first trimester- woof. So this dry shampoo powder has been such a blessing. It lasts way longer and works just as well., if not better!

So, that’s it for me!

Would love for you to comment what helped you get through your first trimester below!

Please note: all these links are affiliate and I make a tiny commission if you decide to buy any of these products, but I fully 100% have chosen all of these products because I truly love them and have purchased all of them with my own money.